4th SME Metal Day 2020

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FACTUREE will participate for the first time in Mittelständischer Metalltag [SME Metal Day], which will take place this year on 25.08.2020 (original date: 18.03.) in Schwedt/Oder.

The main organizer is the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft Unternehmerverband Deutschlands e.V. (BVMW)

The theme of this year's Metal Day is: Change through Innovation! Challenges and opportunities for medium-sized companies..

We are looking forward to entering into direct exchange with many regional medium-sized companies from the metal industry.

If you would like to get in personal contact with us, please feel free to write to us 

4th SME Metal Day 2020
Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt
Berliner Str. 46-48, 16303 Schwedt/Oder
Icon External Link Website of the event