News · December 16th 2020
Due to the current restrictions caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, there are production difficulties and supply chain failures throughout Europe, so we are currently receiving many questions as to whether we still have sufficient free capacity and can offer our usual short delivery times.
This is certainly still the case.
Especially now it is becoming apparent that our concept of digitization, automation and networking is successful and that we can consistently avoid delivery failures and delays even in times of crisis.
Thanks to our large network of now more than 1000 manufacturing partners, we can still offer our full range of services in CNC machining, sheet metal working, 3D printing and surface treatments.
In contrast to conventional manufacturing companies, there is no total loss of capacity even in the case of a complete closure of a manufacturing plant, as we have the possibilities to reallocate capacities flexibly.
In addition, we have reassured ourselves with our logistics partners that a reliable supply is still possible without restrictions.
Of course, we immediately implemented all recommended measures and rules of conduct at our site. Our account managers are currently working remotely from their homes, but can be reached by telephone without any restriction. In addition, we also support our manufacturing partners in implementing these measures.
Stay healthy and get through this difficult time well!
Your Team from FACTUREE - The Online Manufacturer